Happy New Year!
It's 2025 already - and my only resolution for 1-01-25 is to remember to write "25" when I date things lol!
I don't need a "New date" to start and new habit - but I do need time and prep.
Late into 2023, I knew I wanted to refine my game plan for my health, and I spent a bit of time getting mentally and physically ready. I also wanted the holidays to be over before I began, like most of us do. Read on to see how this went for me.
What 2024 taught me - and did for me

At the start of 2024, I was 50 pounds heavier than I am now. I had very good eating and health habits, but I wasn't dropping weight. I had to up my game a bit. Northing that I had done before was working. I had almost no health issues and was classified as "healthy"....but the weight thing was there of course....
So, I had a plan. I also starting planning the plan in advance, and I had a date in mind. It was NOT January 1! Mid January was my goal, but there was this niggling little thought - this roadblock that surprised me....it was actually there for a while but I wasn't addressing it. Now was the time.
The reality of this roadblock surprised me: I was thinking "really"? And "how dumb!" But, there it was, so I knew I had to walk through it.
Wanna know the dumb thought? "I didn't want to buy new clothes"
I had a lot of clothes! Nice ones! I knew what jeans fit and in which size. I could order clothes online and knew they fit. I knew right where to go in stores. I don't "love" shopping. I knew that as my body would change, I'd have to figure it all out again. I understood that this crazy thought was actually stopping me from REALLY trying to release weight!
That's exactly what happened - right down to my shoes! All the things I didn't want to have to do soon became reality. I've been an what I'm calling the "goodbye tour" of all of my clothes. I can't buy a lot of new stuff as I'm not even done with my goals, so I have a very small wardrobe at the moment. Sheesh - vanity - you were a big roadblock that hid well. Once I saw this, I literally had to let myself "mourn my clothes"....and shoes. It's been hard to say goodbye to bags of them. I should have been excited about it or looking forward to it, but... as I said, I loved my clothes! It's a comfort knowing you feel good in what you decide to wear that day. However, when the day finally came to begin purge and replace, I was up for it. I even planned for it as it takes time. I'm still in this process, but it's good!
What I did: I chose an eating plan to fit me. My plan of choice is designed to decrease inflammation, which sounded good due a knee issue, and I hoped it would also release weight. I say release weight because I don't want to lose it and just find it again - ha! I want to just say goodbye to it. I also wanted top stop taking my BP meds.
I began in 2024 mid January - probably on a Tuesday (I'm serious - I don't do too well with the hard an fast rules, and I probably had dinner plans with friends on the Monday or something..) I started with the 14 DAY RESET. So, metaphorically I unplugged the "computer" and let it rest 30 seconds, and re-booted it (ME!) using the 14 DAY RESET. You will pick an eating plan to use with your Reset, and the Reset actually houses several for you to use if you desire! I then repeated the RESET every 2 - 3 months. This was important as both a plateau breaker and a way to help eliminate the "sludge" that comes from releasing weight. Our fat cells store a lot of stuff, so when they release their stored fat molecules, the RESET helps clear them out!
Did you just make that up Gayle? LOL - maybe that's what you just thought when you read that last part, but um, NO. I try to make things easier to understand for you when I teach, but know that I always research them first. Here's an article to back up the sludge stuff: READ. The Reset helps to REALLY clear out all the free radicals running around your system causing havoc
In addition to the plentiful proven eating options housed in this plan to choose from, you also get some exercise plans, health lessons, plus encouragement and support - all contained in your choice of FREE Facebook support group and/or a spiffy app for your computer. You will love it!
Do you have a health goal for 2025?
I had some goals for 2024 the were churning in my head in the fall of 2023. I wanted to up my game, but the holidays were coming, and then of course I needed time to get "Christmas" put away... You know what I mean right? Have the holidays, then et all the stuff put away, clean up the mess, get to a few projects I left sitting on the "later" pile, finish up the "late' celebrations, clean out the fridge, think about how I will fit in exercise - all stuff. We think we are ready to start on January 1, but is just too depressing to actually start on January 1...so we back burner it. How about a realistic mind set instead. Don't ruin New Years Day by setting yourself up to fail.
Are these any of your goals?
- Lose weight?
- Improve digestion?
- Better Sleep?
- Better blood sugar levels?
- Find a way to decrease inflammation?
- Exercise more?
- Drop a bad habit (such as soda, sugar etc)?
- Just plain feel better?
Sounds great! And it just so happens that we have a program for you that will help with ALL of this and more! And we do NOT start on January 1. You can if you want to, but most of us do not.
Why is it depressing anyway to make January 1 our goal? Because we probably are not ready! Perhaps you went out for breakfast. You may be having dinner out tonight. You may have been given a box of candy for Christmas. Hannukah and Ukrainian Christmas are still going strong. Greek Orthodox Christmas is January 7. Maybe the egg nog isn't gone, or there are a few cookies left. Enjoy them (within reason of course!), then get the sugary stuff out of the house. But by January 14 - the holidays are REALLY over man! Unless, like my son, it's your birthday - so you 14'ers get an extra day :D I hate taking my trees down on January 1 let alone start a new "plan".
It's not depressing to start new things - it's exciting! But you have to be ready. You finish the "old" before you start the "new", and that means you should adjust your timeline....otherwise you fail to start. If you have a few things on the list above, you are probably ready to get ready for a change.
What about Exercise: Ya, it's kind of a big deal in life. You just gotta do it - but you do not have to freaking kill yourself, K? 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week is my goal, and it can be as gently as walking. During the 14 day reset, it's every day.
Water: The water is KEY to any health plan. You'll get LOT Of encouragement during your reset!
How did I fare in my goals: The result for me have been good!! I regularly exercise, my knee feels SO much getter, I have far less inflammation in it, my digestion and sleep are better even though I wasn't really looking for help here, my eye sight has improved (big bonus!), and what is VERY exciting for me is that my MD gave me permission to stop my BP meds - score!!! Oh - and I released 50 pounds so far!
Look - I'm now 62. So at 61, I was able to begin a program where I released 50# in about 11 months. This is possible with many eating plans. Find the one that speaks to your heart as a winner, incorporate the RESET to make it go faster and stick! Or just use one of the suggested ones within the RESET (which is most of the users do) This is VERY flexible!
By the way - I'm not done yet either - I have a mantra: "25 in 25!" Clever huh? ;) I think I can do it! And I think yout health improvement goals, whatever they are, can be done by you too. Join me in the next Reset, which starts January 13. Or start yours WHENEVER you want! Your access to the accountability groups and the app are here for good once you order your reset bundle. So if you can't start right away on the 13th, or have to stop and re-start, it's alllll good! We believe in lots and lots of grace and encouragement.
Stay tuned - lots of more exciting YL news dropping soon!
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