Continuing the month of Love - who doesn't love a Valentines Flash Sale!?!

Valentines Flash Sale!
Love is in the air!  And if you love your oils, your diffuser, fabulous skin care and some self pampering as much as I do, then this is for YOU!!  Starting NOW through Feb 8!  

You now have permission to pamper YOU, or the special someone in your 
 life, with our most ELEGANT diffuser and other lovely self pampering!  You will fall IN LOVE with the little roller set with Lavender! (I'm a sucker for cute bottles...)

Our Bloom Skin care line and our CBD beauty boost are the finest skin care items you will every use. This time of year, your skin needs that extra TLC!!  Couple that with the mask and the Wolfberry eye cream (one TINY little smidge is all you need!) and you will be glowing!  I'm living proof folks - my skin is ALL YL!  This picture below is untouched with no filter.  I stood in my room, set the camera on "timer" and just took some pics! The background is all that I messed with.  

All of the details on this sale are are right here!  FLASH SALE

Speaking of Self Care...Have you checked out "14 Days of Self Love" yet?  You should! 14 Days of Self Love

**This sale is regular orders only.  New members will get the 24% wholesale price automatically as soon as your order reaches 100pv!  And you'll get to keep that discount forever as long as you don't let your membership lapse.  

You may have questions - if so, please contact me!  Contact Gayle

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

Hello February!

Hello, February! 

Love is in the air! But what about showing yourself some love!  
Are you looking for some new inspo for your oils and products?  How about an IRL (In Real Life) event???
You have TWO options this month!  One is inspiration sent to you daily, and other, I hope, will be in person!!

I say "I hope" because it's been a crazy few months for me!  I lived and worked in Florida for 6 weeks and return Feb. 5. My second grandson is due any minute!  Depending on when he arrives and if we'll be spending some time in Michigan will determine things, but I'm 99% sure I can do an in person event IN MY HOME on Feb 23!!

Let's focus this month on a little  "self-love" by some habits and also a little pampering.  You get to kick off this month with '14 Days of Self-Love' - free!   Click the picture below to get started! 


Upcoming Events & Classes

  • 14 days of Self Love (click the pic above for this emailed/texted class
  • ONLINE classes offered by my leader:  Emotions Potions (Feb 7) and Make and Keep (Feb 23) Info Below.  
  • In addition to this I want to invite you to an IN PERSON class:  Massage Essentials!!  

If you can't make it in person, I will have a Facebook/email option as well, but you want to make this one in person!  Not only will you get to experience ALL of our amazing massage oils, you also have a chance to make a one-of-a- kind roller using one of them!  

  • In person event in Lansing on Feb. 23, 2023, at 6:3o pm. 
  • Register here:  Event Registration

Info on the ONLINE classes my leadership is doing:



Join us in February for our "Emotions Potions" Workshop on Zoom by Myra Zarbrough.  It's going to be packed full of information and education about using Young Living essential oils to support your emotions and well being in the most impactful ways

This class will take place on Tuesday, February 7th at 8PM CST.

Passcode: BEWELL


Do you have oils sitting on your shelf just begging to be used?? 👇👇👇

I want to help you! You're invited to join me and your oily friends for a fun evening on Zoom next month where we will make three recipes together for you to keep or giveaway.

Monday, February 13th at 7:30pm central 

Here is your supply list for this event:

You have plenty of time to order supplies to have them on hand before the class! Make extras to give as gifts and order accordingly.
📣 We will be making an appetite control roller, a romance roller or massage oil blend, and a linen spray.
Feel free to share this opportunity or gather some friends to watch the Zoom together with supplies!
Register for this class in advance to be sent the link and a reminder: 


Monthly Gifts with Purchase

Check out this month's Gifts with Purchase From Young Living!  

As always, the 190 pv  level is perfect! And if you love our oils, supplements and Thieves line, this is EASY to hit!  At 190 you get our bright and sunny LUSHious Lemon lotion and that "oh so perfect for your skin" Bloom blend!  The easiest skin serum you will ever make is to just add 15 drops of bloom to an upcycled 15ml empty YL oil bottle and fill up with either our V-6 or some grape seed oil.  More ideas for these products coming in the emails later this month, so stay tuned!  

February Wellness Box Ideas

If you don't know what to put in your monthly wellness box to get those FREE gifts with purchase, here are some ideas that are also perfect to spice things up in the romance department. 
 Cheers to deeper connections and intimacy this month! 

Still need your first set of oils?  Go here!

Do Young Living as a business:   Oil like it's my job!

Stay tuned next week for more ways to use your products and other tips! 

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)