Remember the "dog days" of August?
Maybe I'm aging myself a bit, but "back in the day", when August 10 or 11 rolled around, it was still the hot lazy days of summer, and school was still a ways away.
Sadly, those days are long gone! It's cool and beautiful out today (nice!), and while I know it will warm up again, just in time for the kids to go to school NEXT WEEK (I hate the idea of that!), these are not lazy days. In fact, we are just winding up.
That is precisely why you need to let your BODY keep up with you. Getting proper sleep at night and extra energy during the day are key. Sound good? Then join me THIS WEEK in my home (August 15) or next week onine (Starting August 19) and we'll learn all about how to do this well:
In Person: RESEST August 15
Online: Join Challenge Group

The August gifts with purchase may look like they are just for the kids, but this empty nester enjoys each and every one of these as well! Learn how this is a gift to the entire family! August SpecialsI am super pumped about our LOYALTY sale again this month!! Probiotics for all! The Mightypro is powdered, tastes YUM, doesn't need refrigeration, and like our kid scents oils - are widely enjoyed by all ages.
The August edition of Daily Ideas for free is up and ready to go! Access it here!These are SO good! You will learn so much in easy daily chunks that you can save forever!
Like getting all of these ideas? Don't miss a single post! Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)