Christmas Holiday Diffuser Blends To Make Your Heart Full of Joy!

Don't you just LOVE the smells of Christmas?? I know I do! On baking day, the house smells yum!! I used to make home-made chocolate treats, and when I cooked the centers for them (caramel, toffee etc) the house smelled sooooo goooood!! But that can't be every day, so the non-cooking days in between, I used to fill my home with plug in scenters, wax melts, sprays and candles. Yessiree - I was the queen of them! I would light a ton of candles (and freak out the husband!), fill those messy wax melters and spray down every tree and fabric decoration I could.
(Keep Scrolling - LOTS more diffuser recipes below!)
While I had excellent habits in my eating and cleaning life, I never understood how dangerous I was making my home's atmosphere, especially for my young children, as I filled it with fake scenting. Using Candles and wax melts was the hardest change to make - so I get it if you struggle!
Are you thinking "oh come on, it can't be THAT bad) I will try to help you understand. Here is a great article on the Dangers of Plug Ins and also one with several studies on The Environmental Danger in candles. Not to mention the fire hazard....I tell ya - one reason my husband loves my diffusers is because herfinally won the candle war!! Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus-type way to get the hubs on board with the oils lol! Just promise him you will be done with Candles!! If you are ready for this - send Santa HERE!
It's soooo easy to make your home smell yum and also be kind to your endocrine and respiratory systems!! Especially if you are using a carefully made oil. Quality matters! Are you ready to stop the Hormone Disruption? The let's Get Your Oils!
(You're almost to the recipes!)
Essential oils are way more than just a way to make your home smell wonderful, but many start with that, and while enjoying the delicious smells, they also learn the health benefits too. For now, let's start with safe scenting. Below are oodles of ideas for safe scenting! And if you find one you love, take an old essential oil bottle and make up a batch by taking your favorite recipe times 10 or 20 and filling that bottle! You'll have a handy pre-made mix all ready for your diffuser or or for an easy room spray! (Click HERE For the recipe and more!) Please note: These ratios are for high-quality pure first distillation oils only. Many products on store shelves today will take MANY more drops of essential oil. Quality counts my friends!
Here is my personal fave: (for this one, only use about 8 drops of this pre-mix in the diffuser!)

Ok, are you ready to play with some essential oil diffuser recipes? Here are OODLES OF IDEAS!!


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