August Specials and Events!

Remember the "dog days" of August? While the hot, lazy days of summer seemed to stretch out endlessly, nowadays, those days feel short-lived as we quickly transition into the busyness of back-to-school season. Don't let the hectic pace exhaust you—it's crucial to support your body with proper sleep and energy throughout the day.

Join us this week at home or online to learn effective ways to maintain your vitality. Discover strategies to keep up with your active lifestyle through informative sessions both in-person on August 15 and online starting August 19. For more details and to join, check out the links provided.

August's gifts with purchase are perfect for everyone, not just kids! Explore how these offers benefit the entire family, and don't miss out on this month's special deals, including the popular MightyPro probiotics enjoyed by all ages. Plus, access the free August edition of Daily Ideas for practical wellness tips delivered in manageable daily chunks you can keep forever.

Does size determine health? Will the 14 -Day Reset change my life? You are invited to find out 7/25!

Does size matter when it comes to health? The truth is that healthy people come in all shapes and sizes. Lifestyle and internal body systems play a critical role in determining one’s health, often outweighing mere physical appearance.

The 14-day Reset program focuses on restoring health from within, rather than just shedding pounds. While many testimonies highlight weight loss, just as many attest to improvements in various ailments. Participants are encouraged to track weight and measurements, but the true benefit lies in overall well-being and vitality that is felt during the journey.

Join us at our next gathering to learn more about the Reset and how it can help address issues from recent illnesses, medications, stress, and even the after-effects of weight loss. By incorporating NingXia Red and adopting a few new habits, you can embark on a path to improved health with the support of an encouraging community. Don’t miss out on tasting NingXia Red and finding out how simple changes can make a big difference!
The 14-day Reset is a holistic approach focused on more than just weight loss; it aims to restore your internal well-being. Participants often report not only weight and inch loss but also significant improvements in other ailments. By integrating NingXia Red and adopting a few simple new habits, you can experience noticeable changes in how you feel, supported by optional eating and exercise plans along with a robust community.

This program is designed to be simple and flexible, encouraging gradual lifestyle changes without overwhelming users. With the release of stored toxins during weight loss, restoring balance can be crucial to overall health improvement. Whether you're dealing with recent illnesses, medication side effects, or just the daily wear and tear of life, the 14-day Reset offers support and education to guide you on your wellness journey.

Join us on July 25 to learn more about the Reset and how it can benefit you. At this event, you will have the opportunity to taste NingXia Red and understand the holistic benefits it brings. Register [here]( and start your journey towards a healthier, balanced life.
Cleansing from within, 14-day Reset, NingXia Red Reset