Hey friends!! Sorry for two posts in one week, but this one is too good to sit on, i'st a sale on the starter kits FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!

Earlier in the week, it was announced that Starter Kits in Canada and Europe were on sale, and now they are also on sale in the US Market too!

September 12 - 18** (dates extended)  only, so don't delay.  If your account is about to expire, or already did - this will re-activate for a whole year too - for FREE!

If you are already a Young Living Member, just select "Premium Starter Kit" from the Quick Order tab.  (Quick orders only, not Essential Rewards.  If you are part of YL Go - you can get this shipped for free*)

If you are NOT a member but want a starter kit, go HERE and select "Place an Order" and "Member".  Membership are FREE with purchase of these starter kits!! Then, wait impatiently for it to arrive lol.   You'll also get a goodie bag in the  mail from me :D   (New members)
I'll be in Salt Lake City for the next few days on a trip I earned from this amazing company, but if you need help, email or text me (708-670-2066) and I'll touch base with you that night.  

*YL Go an YL GO+ are Young Living's free shipping programs

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

September News and Tips!

September News!

I hope you are able to read the new newsletter format?  Lots of great info again!!  

Also, be  sure to check out the Event tab  HERE to see the classes this month!  

Welcome to September! 

Before I even get to this month's recipes, I HAVE to share some of the biggest news we have heard all year long! 
Are you ready?!
A new program called YL GO and YL GO+ is now available. This is a subscription shipping service that provides you with FREE, fast, and convenient shipping all year long!
Basically, it's like Amazon Prime but WAY better because YL GO offers free shipping on ALL of its products. 
I already signed up for the YL GO+ to get FREE SHIPPING on 36 orders a year. That means shipping on all 12 of my Essential Rewards orders will be covered as well as 24 MORE Quick Orders. Your products also come in 2-4 days! It's worth EVERY PENNY.  
Do you need more NingXia Red or a last minute birthday gift before your next ER order processes? Do you want to cash in your ER points for free products and you don't want to pay to ship them? No problem. With YL GO+ you get FREE SHIPPING on 24 Quick Orders a year!
At a cost of $129, YL GO+ will save you ten times the cost of shipping over the year. You also get discounted shipping if you go above and beyond your 36 orders. 
The other option is the YL GO subscription for $59 annually. This covers all 12 of your ER orders and throws in an extra 13th ER order with free shipping with your first subscription.


See how many orders you have left under YL Go.

I don't make one single PENNY on YL Go or YL Go+ membership sales but I LOVE this option and think it's so great of Young Living to do this for us!!  Because I love this and YOU, I am going to bless ONE of you with your membership fee BACK!!!

 Here are the details for a shot at earning YLGO's fee BACK from me! **

1. Join at either level

2. Show me via messenger or email me at gaylereinsma@comcast.net

3. New to ER? Join ER and YL go - get two entries!

4. I will pull one lucky winner at the beginning of October so you have today through September 30. Good luck!!

**5. Your refund will be in the form of a product credit. The great new is that you can use product credits to pay for ANYTHING!! So that means it can be used to pay for your ER! You just call when you are ready to check out and ask the to apply the product credit to your payment

Now that you are super stoked about getting free shipping, let's talk about...
  • End of the summer recipes.
  • Upcoming classes.
  • Business oil of the month.

End of Summer Recipes. 

Let's celebrate the end of summer with a Summer Sangria. Perfectly refreshing for your Labor Day festivities or to wind down on these last few summer nights. Share how you are relaxing with your Sangria on social media with the hashtags #SummerSangria and #YLinfusedSangria

As the weather cools down and the air starts to dry, you will want to take care of your skin. Try this skin care favorite!

 Upcoming classes!  Info Here

Friday September 21, 9 am "Essential Oils and Kids"  Info Here
Thursday September 27,  "101" class at 7 pm:  

Online Classes:  Weekly every Tuesday Night in our Facebok Group "Essential Oil Online Classes!"  Join Here!

Business oil of the month!

As we move into fall and your schedules start to normalize, you can make room to think about your future. 
Use Envision blend to allow yourself to move past any emotions that are holding you back from achieving your dreams and goals. 
If your dreams involve more financial resources to make them happen, I want to offer myself up to you to answer any questions you have about the YL income opportunity. It has changed our family's life and our ability to dream again. Watch this two-minute video from some guys in the YL community to see how YL is blessing their families. 
"It's never too late to start working towards your dreams."

YL monthly promos 


If you do not have Coconut Lime body butter, you can use this eye serum as an alternative way of taking extra good care of your skin. 

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

August news! New format, better content, always great recipes and ideas!

August news!  New format, better content, always great recipes and ideas!

August Newsletter

Hello everyone!  I hope you enjoy my new newsletter format!  

It's finally August and while the days may still be warm summer is coming to an end or maybe it is already over for you and your family. 😱 Are you feeling happy or sad? I'm bummed, but using the free 300 pv oil this month helps ;)

It seems like everywhere I turn there are “back to school supplies.” What better way to prepare than with a little YL. Even if you don’t have kids going back to school, these tips can be useful for anyone. Just replace the words “school” with “work” and “teacher” with “boss!” ☺️

Here are two back-to-school or back-to-work favorites you will want to try.
Favorite #1

“It’s a school night” combo is good for everyone: a little for you, a little for the kids. Everyone will sleep like a rock and wake up rested and ready to go.
Isn’t the new lantern diffuser shown in this picture so chic?

Favorite #2

If you are wanting a good report from your child’s teacher, arm your kids with this focus roll-on. Teachers love it when you apply it before school and you will love it after school during homework time. When used regularly, parents and teachers have reported back that kids are able to stay calm and focus on tasks.
Remember, if you don't have kiddos, or they are grown like mine, use this during work hours to stay focused on the things you need to accomplish.  I USE THIS DAILY!

 EVENTS:  Go HERE, click on learn and events for all the classes this month! 

In addition to those I will be also be hosting an online "Back to School with Essential Oils" class later this month to help give you more recipes like the ones above, along with my mommy secrets to staying healthy! Keep an eye out for an email in the next few weeks with details.


Spouse accounts are now available!

As of today, you can have your spouse order a PSK using your member number and receive a $50 "thank you" check from Young Living. This is a great way to get the family another Essential Oils kit, more NingXia Red, Thieves, or a Savvy Minerals kit. Your spouse will need to be placed on your first or second level. If you don’t know what that means, email me back, and I’ll fill you in.
Those building a Young Living business are finding some nice perks to the new spouse accounts. If you have questions about that, please ask me. 
You can also refer to your Policy & Procedures for more details. 
YL stats tell me that there will be a lot more men's accounts created today. In honor of the new policy, I will be hosting an "Essential Oils For Every Man"  SOON!!. It's a class created just for men! Your man can have his own kit AND learn how to use it. Make sure you pass along the class info so he can attend.   We had a great week doing Essential Oils for Dudes and we had a blast. This will be just a one evening class to add to what we already learned!
This will be a great way for your hubbies to see how they can use their own PSK and get a little more excited about YL. ☺


Business oil of the month!

 Finance inspired by Oola.

This is one blend you do not want to miss.
It offers an affordable blend of two of the most expensive oils YL offers, Rose and Melissa, along with 25 other essential oils. This blend was specially formulated to help enhance positive emotions and to give one clarity and focus to develop abundance and freedom in life.
Basically, it would be silly to work without this one diffusing.
Business action plan: because everyone needs one.
Step 1: Diffuse the Oola Finance blend while you reverse engineer your goals.
Step 2: Write down what you want your life to look like in five years.
Step 3: Write down what you have to do to get there. If you are not on a possible path to reach your five-year life goals, it’s time to rethink what you are doing now, so you can get on a path that WILL allow you to reach your goals.

YL monthly promos 

This month's freebies! 
300 PV—Retail value: $184.69
5-ml Acceptance™
• Accept yourself for who you are while feeling empowered to be better! Apply 2-4 drops over your heart for an aroma that encourages self-worth, achievement, and self-discovery.
• When your day throws a particularly difficult obstacle your way, diffuse Acceptance while saying a favorite mantra or quote to help you find the patience and strength to move forward. 
Bamboo Oil Bar
• Use this beautiful oil bar to store your must-have oils on your bedside table, vanity, or desk so you can reach for them any time you need a boost—morning, noon, or night!
• Keep a few favorite Vitality oils on the kitchen counter for easy access. The instant, fresh flavor of Vitality can help you drink more water and choose healthier food options! 
15-ml Aroma Siez™
• Stay motivated even after the toughest days. Use equal parts Aroma Siez and carrier oil and massage into the neck, chest, and temples for a relaxing reward before bed.
• Use the fresh, herbaceous scent of Aroma Siez after a relaxing shower. Rub a few drops between your hands and massage into the scalp, neck, or shoulders for a moment of tranquility. 
15-ml Wintergreen
• Accomplish your fitness goals with help from a rejuvenating post-workout massage. Combine Wintergreen with a carrier oil or lotion and massage into tired muscles for a refreshing pick-me-up.
• Jump out of bed early and start chasing your dreams! Diffuse Wintergreen for an energizing aroma that can motivate you while the world still sleeps. 
Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Ravintsara
• Get grounded! Diffuse this clean-smelling oil or apply it to your wrists and temples as you reflect on how you can crush your goals. 
• Take time to unwind. Hard work requires you to slow down sometimes, so spend a minute meditating with a few drops of Ravintsara applied over your heart.
Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Spearmint
• Start your day with the fresh, uplifting scent of Spearmint. Diffuse this minty essential oil to inspire your mood and make the most of your morning momentum.
• A messy space encourages a messy mind. Add a few drops of Spearmint to your homemade household cleaner and wipe down counters, tables, desks, and more to refresh your home and your mental space!
I need to update these
Freebies when you spend 250 PV.
15 ml Aroma Siez
15 ml - Wintergreen 
Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Ravintsara & 5-ml Spearmint
Freebies when you spend 190 PV.
15 ml - Wintergreen
Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Ravintsara & 5-ml Spearmint
Freebies when you spend 100 PV.
Bonus Essential Rewards exclusive: 5-ml Spearmint

Help 5 Bonus

Do you want Roman Chamomile and Rose Essential Oil for FREE!? This month with the Help 5 bonus, you can get both. 

Earn 5 points and receive a 5-ml bottle of Roman Chamomile and five versatile magnetic oil clips.
Earn 10 points and receive a 5-ml bottle of Rose in addition to the 5-ml bottle of Roman Chamomile and five versatile magnetic oil clips! 
You earn 1 point by enrolling a new member with a Premium Starter Kit, 1 point by enrolling them in Essential Rewards for the first time*, and 1 point by reactivating a preexisting member with a Premium Starter Kit. (Member must be inactive for over 24 months.) 
*New Essential Rewards enrollment includes members who have not been on the program for six months or more.

Enjoy the tips and recipes, and your last month of summer!  

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

Rally Sale - Extended to July 20!!

Rally Sale - Extended to July 20!!

Rally Sales Extended!

Two of the Most popular RALLY sales have been extended until July 20!!  So I will also extend my giveaway of the books!!
Did you order from the sales or become a new member? Be SURE to enter!  Winner gets choice of the books!  Backup winner gets the other!!  

Have you even tried Ningxia Red or Ningxia Nitro?  You need to!! Awesome sources of natural energy, iron, antioxidants and more.  Plus, it's the perfect pick me up that will help your heart, not put it in danger!

**Dewdrop duo offer is for new members only per Young Living

For kicks, let your new referral know that if they get the due and add in some amazing Ningia Red/Ningxia Nitro from the sale, they SCORE free oils!!  Valor and Geranium - yes!!  Make a great deal even GREATER!
Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

July Specials, Events and Oily Tips and Tricks!

July  Specials,  Events and Oily Tips and Tricks!

July 2019 Events!

Hello everyone, and I hope you  had a happy and safe Fourth of July!! Ours ended with STORMS at night, which is making my dear dog miserable because now, instead of everyone shooting off their stash on the 4th, they are extending it by blowing money in the air a few at a time every night lol!  LOTS of Peace and Calming and T-Away over there these days.  But Riley comes running over to me now with the first BOOM, so bascially, she asks for her oils :D  

EVENTS:  There is a PILE of them!!!  So excited about what is coming up!! 

July 10 and 11:  We'll be chatting about how this Young Living business works in the EO class page! 
July 13:  Music and Park with Art at Centennial Park in Munster IN
July 17:  Online class on Ningxia Red!
July 19: Snack and Share night! Includes a CLASS 
July 22 - 28:  Join our team online all week as we present oils with our large variety of pets!
August 1:  Yoga and oils at Troost Coffee Shop!

July Specials! 

Live Fearlessly this summer!

Cast aside those fears about sun weary skin and everyday worries with this months specials!! Two of my absolute FAVES: Valor and Aroma Life, are FREE with pv!!  

Let's learn more about them and also a few other great tips and tricks!

Spotlight on new products!

See many of them at my July 19 Snack and Share!

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

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