April Newsletter and Events!

Happy April,
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the air has that fresh scent of spring! What if you could bring that scent indoors to not only freshen your home but also improve your health at the same time?

Scents of the Season
Diffusing essential oils is a great way to bring the outdoors in and allows you to remove harmful candles and air fresheners from your home. Essential oils not only make your space smell amazing, but they have added health benefits as well!
When you diffuse or inhale essential oils, they go directly to the emotional center of your brain, making them perfect for shifting your mood. Use your oils to feel happy, calm, inspired, and refreshed and create an aroma to perfectly match the scent of the season!
Here are some recipes perfect for spring using just your starter kit oils:
Fresh & Clean
4 drops Citrus Fresh
3 drops Lemon
Relax & Refreshed
4 drops Stress Away
2 drops Lemon
Breath of Fresh Air
4 drops Raven
2 drops Peppermint
Couple of events coming up! In addition to our Tuesday Night online classes in the Essential Oil Online Classes group at 8 pm CST, we have two local events:
*Saturday April 20, SPRING HAS SPRUNG VENDOR EVENT! Join some of your favorite vendors at the Zeldenrust Market Green House form 9 - 2! Plus, get first dibs of FLOWERS!

For more info, CLICK HERE!
*Thursday April 25 will be my April Snack and Share! 6 - 8 pm Open House style which will including a chance to get and iTOVi scan ($5 each of $20 with lifetime membership) plus THREE DIY's! (Deodorant, Lip Balm, Sweet and Sassy Hair Spray!) Open House Style - stop in for fun, fellowship and some snacks. If you can, please bring a snack to share!
Promo's and Tips!

Young Living April Promotional Items:
The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and spring is here! Now that your days are filled with warmer breezes, walks outside, and renewed energy, you’ll need essential oils to match. Check out everything that you can get FREE this month!
400 PV Level - Retail Value $198.35

Goldenrod, 5 ml
- Relive springtime adventures with Goldenrod! Add a few drops of this grassy, sweet-smelling oil to your diffuser at night and you’ll slip into soothing dreams of simpler times.
- Radiant look? Yes, please! Mix this spring-scented oil with your face wash and your skin will look fresher and firmer in no time!
Dream Catcher, 5 ml
- Chase creativity with Dream Catcher™! Plug in your diffuser and add this blend for surprising citrus scents and decadent floral notes that will inspire you the way a gorgeous garden does.
- Whether you’re climbing an actual mountain or a metaphorical one, breathe in the aroma of this light and bright blend for a quick burst of motivation as you run after your hopes and dreams.

Lavender Calming Bath Bombs, 4 pk.
- Seek renewal this spring! Relax in a Lavender-scented bath that also treats your skin to ultra-hydrating ingredients.
- Soothe and soften the wear and tear on your skin with a soak in a bath that’s as fresh as it is floral after a long day or adventure.

Tangerine, 15 ml
- Let’s roll down the windows! Soak cotton balls with this uplifting scent and stash them in your car vents so the smell of tangerines will forever recall bliss-filled road trips.
- Find daily gratitude with Tangerine! Rub this zesty-smelling oil, mixed with V-6™, on your temples each night as you give thanks for the sun, the moon, and all the stars.**
- Lemon, 15 ml
- Diffuse Lemon oil so your house can smell like it’s nestled in a lemon grove while it beats back odors at the same time.
- Spring cleaning that actually smells like spring? We’ve got you covered. Add Lemon to your plant-based cleaning products for a living space that smells as good as it looks!

Vetiver, 5 ml
- Summer’s just around the corner! Use the exotic aroma of Vetiver to wrap up finals, big projects, and major deadlines so you can head on vacation worry free!
- While you’re jumping in and out of pools, lakes, and oceans, you’ll want to go makeup free! Put your best face forward and use Vetiver as a part of your skincare routine.
Bonus Essential Rewards Exclusives*

Clary Sage, 5 ml*
- Get stunning hair that even mermaids will envy! Add Clary Sage to your shampoo for hair that looks as healthy as the sun is bright.
- Combine this herbaceous and slightly honey-scented oil with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and massage into your shoulders after a stressful day.
10 Essential Rewards points*
- Use these 10 Essential Rewards points to get sunny-weather favorites like Lavender Lip Balm and Lemon Vitality™ essential oil.
- Note: Points can take up to three days to be credited to accounts.
*Receive both of these ER Exclusives when your 190+ PV order is placed through the Essential Rewards program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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