Essential Oils and Romance Online Class and February FREEBIES!

February freebies from Young Living are ALWAYS amazing, and this month is no exception! The free items at the 400 pv level are worth $200!! We'll get into more about the best ways to use the promo's in subsequent emails as I have a lot of exciting things to share in this post!
Let's start with our online class this week - Oils and Romance! This is always a fun class, so join us online Tuesday night at 8:00pm: HERE

Since February is the month of LOVE, I am loving on you guys with the "I Love Essential Rewards" giveaway event!! It's like Christmas in February you guys, and you have a lot of chances to win some sweet stuff!!
This month, it's alll about Essential Rewards, and the importance of getting your ER orders in before those last tricky days of the month. If you are interested in buying just about anything, I want to encourage you to go through the Essential Rewards system, even if it's just once, so I've developed this event to bless you for trying it!

Ok lovely members! Before you dot another I Bob Cratchit , lets learn the "I Love ER Contest" why's wherefores 🎁
🤚😂(You really are a Scrooge if you have no idea what I mean lol...other than this being the wrong season for this but anyway...)
Before I begin the particulars, I want you to know how important the Essential Rewads Program is, how forgiving it is, how much you benefit and how you even set it up!! But I also realy really really need you to understand the importance of date that is NOT the end of the month!! Why?
📅 End of the month dates give all of your leaders freaking nightmares!!😳NIGHT MARES!!! Like wake up 🛌 in the dread of a cold sweat nighmare! And February is the WORST because of the blasted 28 days. We kind of live and die by the last day of the month in the YL world. If your order gets messed up, your pv level drops, your order gets processed JUST shy of a promo, your card is declined for any reason even expiration date, or who knows what else, having a late month order FREAKS us OUT - especially if it's around a holiday 🎉(like always it seems like sheesh) or if we are out of town 🌴🌴🌝(no comments please lol) or what not, if we have to scramble 🏃🏻♀️ to fix it, we first need to get ahold of you, 📲 then YL or our uplines, and there sometimes is PRECIOUS little time. ⏰
Big deal? Well, kind of! If you have been on ER a while and for some reason your order is messed up, you could possibly fall all the way back to 10% (ouch!!!) in points rewards back and just possibly LOSE all of your banked points. OK, do I have your attention now???
ER is forgiving. You can start and stop at any time. You can even try it once and grab a freebie (but no points). You can change your date and also do a "manually process today" if you don't want to wait that long. It's amazing, but the late dates are the kicker. Plus, as your YL leaders, it can be harrowing for us. We kind of live and die by the date and our volume - our once a month paycheck (for which we THANKYOU so much) is changed by things like volume and rank and such - all things that bore you but excite us lol. 😀 🥳🙀
So, if you have made it this far in reading, I love you!! ❤️❤️ I hope you understand why I not only want to encourage you to JOIN ER, I want to encourage you to process early and move up that date! I really hate being a pest urging you to get your order in - it goes against everything in me and makes me sound like beggar 😳📲 and a big ol pest. 🕷 But when the 28th rolls around this month, there I'll be - your pain in the a** upline 😜 Nobody wants that - let's chill 🧘🏽♂️🌞. So now you know why and what you can earn. But how do you join?

✅ When you go into your virtual office, you have a choice: Quick order or Essential Rewards. Pay attention 💡to this - say outloud "don't pick quick order" lol ! This will help you remember! Select Essential Rewards. It will lead you to "fill your cart". Your cart has to be 50 pv or more. You will then "save " your cart and it then lets you check out right away or select a date later in the month. If you run stuck, call your sponsor and we'll walk you though it! And remember, next month, select essential rewards again - say that reminder "dont pick quick order" out load again lol! A quick order will NEVER convert to an ER order. NEVER. The system is not a mind reader hee hee. 🧠 Since we can only place one ER a month, the quick order option is on the screen 📺 even if you joined ER so that you can still place a secondary order.
🙀Yes, that's my order, 400 pv lol! I use my Young Living for every thing!😜So what can I say, right lol? 🤷♀️🤷♀️I needed makeup, 💄 Ningxia Red, 🍷supplements, Lavender, dishwashing soap etc, but YOU only need to start with 50pv! But see my points?? Yep, that's $134 dollars 💵 in FREE stuff I can get. So between the oils I earn for free with pv levels (starting at 100pv with clove) and my now 25% BACK, lets just say ER is my bff!
🧐How do you cash in points? Well that's with a quick order! And after you are on ER for 3 consecutive months 🗓 , you can begin cashing those babies in!!
The Prizes!

The Prizes!! 🎁 💝
OK, for the Great ER Contest of February 2019, everyone gets something, some get one thing, some might get two or more!! BUT - there is ONE condition: You MUST have your order processed by 2-21! If your ER date is 2-21, it will process early in the morning 2-22. If you recall my post on the end of the month nightmare, you'll understand! So, everyone who processes an ER order by the 21st has a shot! Here are the gifts:
1. Everyone gets a Get Rolling brochure!
2. New or renewed (2018 or earlier) ER's get a free book! (Your choice)
3. Based on your PV, you get a shot of the oils shown! (One winner per oil)
4. One random winner will win AromaEase!
5. Two more random winners will win either dryer balls with my special dryer blend OR Mountain Mist deodorant!
2. New or renewed (2018 or earlier) ER's get a free book! (Your choice)
3. Based on your PV, you get a shot of the oils shown! (One winner per oil)
4. One random winner will win AromaEase!
5. Two more random winners will win either dryer balls with my special dryer blend OR Mountain Mist deodorant!
I have created a google doc entry form which MUST be filled out to qualify for entries. If you have trouble or spot an error in form, let me know!
Here is the form:…/1u2lIkpCToHNEozPIRsoUYx…/viewform…
Want in on the fun? Make sure you have purchased your Premium Starter kit which comes with a FREE membership! Only members can by on Essential Rewards. Get the BEST oils on earth HERE!
Like getting all of these ideas? Don't miss a single post! Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)