The month of July may be half over, but for us in YL world, things are REALLY starting to heat up!  Our 30 year GRAND CONVENTION is THIS week! It's the highlight of our entire year.  We learn from world experts in health, we get encouraged by our amazing leadership teams, and, we get NEW PRODUCTS!!  I Cannot wait to see what is launched - stay tuned!  

Did you see the FREE products this month?  And those that are 15% off??  Free Lemongrass, Stress Away and Chewable C, as well as 15% off of Zing, Grapefruit and Lime on Loyalty orders - woohoo!  

In the Mean time, I invite you to look at the ALWAYS fun and informative June Drop! You will find ideas, recipes, and education. Do yourself a big favor and CLICK HERE!
Don't forget - the RESET is Thursday July 25!   Reset

DAILY IDEAS FOR FREE will launch tomorrow - be looking to re-join for a bunch of new ideas! 

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)


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