July 2019 Events!
Hello everyone, and I hope you had a happy and safe Fourth of July!! Ours ended with STORMS at night, which is making my dear dog miserable because now, instead of everyone shooting off their stash on the 4th, they are extending it by blowing money in the air a few at a time every night lol! LOTS of Peace and Calming and T-Away over there these days. But Riley comes running over to me now with the first BOOM, so bascially, she asks for her oils :D

EVENTS: There is a PILE of them!!! So excited about what is coming up!!
July 10 and 11: We'll be chatting about how this Young Living business works in the EO class page!
July 13: Music and Park with Art at Centennial Park in Munster IN
July 17: Online class on Ningxia Red!
July 19: Snack and Share night! Includes a CLASS
July 22 - 28: Join our team online all week as we present oils with our large variety of pets!
August 1: Yoga and oils at Troost Coffee Shop!
July Specials!
Live Fearlessly this summer!
Cast aside those fears about sun weary skin and everyday worries with this months specials!! Two of my absolute FAVES: Valor and Aroma Life, are FREE with pv!!
Let's learn more about them and also a few other great tips and tricks!

Spotlight on new products!
See many of them at my July 19 Snack and Share!

Like getting all of these ideas? Don't miss a single post! Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)