The Return of Roman Chamomile!
Hello Everyone! I am hoping this finds you well!
Happy June! Summer is upon us, graduation parties are in full swing! Wedding, parties, showers, new routines (even if you don't have kids!) Gardening, yard work, travel, all the summer things and feels! For us in the Young Living world, it also means CONVENTION and new products - yeah! While I won't be at convention this year, I'll be tuning in and filling you all in with the always exciting NEW product launches!!
June already has a TON of excitement with these specials!! 7 FREE OILS!!! ONE OF THEM IS ROMAN CHAM! Another is M-Grain! This is huge!

Just how does one earn this fabulousness?

VERY COOL that you can earn this even if you are NOT on Essential Rewards! But heck, if you are gonna pull the trigger on a 400pv order, you might as well do it through the rewards system - message me for how you can do that with no penalties!
So let's chat now about each level of the rewards:

Mine is already on the way lol! How do I do that? Well, everything is done with my oils and with Young Living products, so it's pretty easy! Hair, shower and skin care, toothpaste, dishwashing, cleaning, laundry, makeup, dog care, deodorant, diy perfume, all my "remedies" (it's the medicine cabinet now!), gifts - I have trouble whitting my order DOWN to the pv levels each month! And with all of the convention products being demo'd, I will have yet another order later in the month!
OK, how about some oily education?? Let's start with PHOTO-SENSITIVE OILS! Yep - some oils attract the sun and must be worn under clothing if you are out for extended periods of time!! Don't let this scare you - you can also apply a chemical free sunscreen over the top of an area you "oiled up" a few hours ago. Here is the list:

Windows open weather sometimes mean that the diffuser can get set aside, but did you know it's a great idea to diffuse outside? Here is a recipe for that, and more for days when those windows are shut tight:

Have you heard how DANGEROUS common insect repellents are? I know it's also dangerous to NOT use them, but you can put safe, natural products on your skin instead! Young Living has the strongest one made! It's ALL oils, and it's free of DEET! Read the label on your bug spray - see the warnings? Ya, not for me! I'll use this one or a DIY one any day of the weeks!!

BTW - that "outdoor" spray recipe above is also my "indoor" spray for little kitchen invaders!
Ok, to end, our "Oil of the Month and also a DIY FOOT SCRUB recipe!

OK folks - see you after convention (around the 23rd) with the new products!!
Like getting all of these ideas? Don't miss a single post! Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)