Gardening Tips - just in time! Bookmark this post or save the images so you'll have it ready as you need it. Using "plant based" on plants is the way to go!
Below are tons of gardening tips, but first, let's start out with a savvy tip on re-using your product soak! Save the water your next batch of produce that you cleaned with the Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak. (if you soaked in a bucket) Then pour it over anything in the garden! It helps with bugs and its a great "meal" for those plants!

It’s no secret that bugs can totally ruin your garden plans. From eating your plants to taking a bite out of you, they can really dampen any gardening dreams!
You could use insecticides or sprays made from harsh chemicals, but certainly at a cost to you and the environment. They can lead to bioaccumulation of toxins in your body (and even in your plants) that are linked to chronic illness and disease!
So besides the tip above, here are few DIY ideas to try!

Some bugs are the kind you WANT in your garden. Here are a few oils to ATTRACT what you need.

But what about things that like to dig up your garden? Such as your dog, cat, or squirrels etc. We want to keep them at bay without harming them, so here is a trick:

If you’ve been around the garden scene a while you’ve heard of companion planting. And if you haven’t heard, let me enlighten you!
Some plants play well together; others do not. This is because every plant has certain nutrients that it uses from the soil for growth and fruit production. Also, plants excrete certain byproducts back into the soil that can either help or hinder your harvest!
If you grow two types of plants next to each other that both rely strongly on nitrogen for growth, they will compete and overuse the nitrogen in the soil and starve each other out! Corn and tomatoes are an example of plants that don’t play nice.
Conversely, if you plant two types of plants next to each other that eat different nutrients they will work together to promote each other’s growth. A good example of this is tomatoes and carrots. They work together in the soil. Therefore, plant them next to each other and it will result in a more bountiful harvest.
So what does this have to do with essential oils? Well, essential oils are made from plants so consider using oils in place of your companion plants. For example, if you are looking to plant Lavender next to Green Beans, grab your Lavender essential oil instead. Create a “Companion Spray” to use on the soil and leaves of the plant using this guide. Add 10-15 drops of the corresponding essential oil to a 4 oz. glass spray bottle. Top with distilled water; shake before each use. So easy!

Did you know that some plants self-pollinate? Fruits like peppers can stand alone and produce fruit. Not every plant does that. Lots of them need the help of cross-pollination between male and female plants!
Know who helps with that?! POLLINATORS!
Bees and butterflies are some of the friendliest insects you can get into your garden! Without them you’ll have measly harvests and be disappointed that all your hard work didn’t result in the delicious produce you wanted!
Pollinators are attracted to the smell of flowers and luckily some of our wonderful essential oils are distilled from flowers… so convenient!
Create a spray using essential oils to spritz on the flowering buds of your garden to encourage pollinators to come in and get the job done!

Ahh weeds.... at least you are good for helping us exercise! And as temping as perhaps grabbing the Round-Up may be, you know deep down inside that you really don't want to breathe that in, get it on your fingers or toes, or on your pets. You finally get MOST of those things under control, and then you notice that some plants that you over-watered and under-sunned and somehow got a plant fungus. Here are a few tips! I like to add vinegar to the weed recipes. Just be careful when using around your grass when using vinegar:

Your work is done, and now it's time to enjoy some of the fruits (or flowers) of your labors!
If you don't own our exceptional Fruit and Veggie Soak, why not make your own?

Aren't oils fun? I love all of the uses! Let me know how all of these ideas work out for you! Before I sign off, here are a few last minute ideas for you! Labels for these sprays, and a Chicken Cook spray for those that raise chickens for organic cage free eggs 🐣