Progessence Plus, Menopause and Intimacy
**Previously published article.  It' s my most "pinned" pin.  I've adjusted some links and refreshed a bit, and   I hope this helps you!  


Have you recently started using Young Living Essential oils? If so, you may have started to here  chatter on this amazing serum called Progessence Plus, or P+ for those of us who get sick of typing the whole thing out lol!

What is it?  Do I need it?  Well folks, this one is for the girls! And girls, you need it!

Ya fella's, not an oil for you.  What guy reads a blog anyway right?  Ok, well if you are an oily guy - first of all, I applaud you!  Secondly, move along now...

It's said that any female from that terrible horrible day that she starts menstruating until the day she takes her last breath can benefit from P+.  Now, I am not a medical professional, genetic or hormonal expert or even certified aromatherapist (that title  alone is questionable....) but I am an avid user of essential oils and have studied and researched much in the last now 10 years.  (I was 2 years in when I first published this article, and the stories are from back in 2016).

I don't like to take an essential oil or serum unless I have a very good idea how it is made, if it is safe for me, and for a blend or serum, just what is in it.  I want to know how to take it safely and beneficially to me.  So in this post, I'll share what I know and am allowed to say, how I (and my daughter) have used it, and how it has worked for us.

Let's start with what it IS:  

Young Living markets this on their site a a facial serum, and for many, it will definitely benefit your skin!  Not only because of the skin oils in it, but also because of the Wild Yam extract.  This product has helped me, in menopause, and my daughter as a teenager by letting the Wild Yam extract do it's thing to balance our hormones.  If you study natural products like essential oils, you will learn that they work to bring balance in our bodies, which is so much better than trying to synthetically dump stuff in us to try to achieve balance! Synthetics don't know how to intuitively work with our amazing bodies.  So when you just pour something in like that, you have to guess, test, and possibly suffer from adverse side effects.  Why not let our bodies work with natural substances!  

My daughter had the typical teenage woes from hormones, and we all rejoiced when she started her p+!.  I, on other hand, was not your typical menopausal woman. Hot flashes were few, mood swings were, well - there - but I was preeetttyyyy much able to control them. Ok, maybe not ALL the time according to my husband, but anyway....the biggest problem he and I BOTH had with menopause was with.... sex.  Yes,  the kids were pretty much out of the house - a lot -  (yeah!) and we finally had more time "to ourselves", and then - this.  As I would say "the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak"  :D Yep, I'd be all ready to go but, eh.  

Girlfriends, this is the conversation I have THE MOST with women my age regarding oils and hormanes.  I am 53, and as women my age know, we are not DEAD in bed lol!  So ugh - just ugh. That's what sex became.  I enjoyed being together with my husband, and tried OTC products to help with the vaginal dryness  -you know, all those fancy funky "lubes" - the ones with the crafty commercials showing success (hee hee) but they don't help the "experience".  You know - the best part!    My poor husband would say things like "You were just phoning that one in,right? "  And "Thanks for trying, but it's better if we both enjoy it".  Sweet man - seriously!  I am thankful he cares!  

So, I read about P+ and thought I would give it a try! It arrived, and I used it like the directions said - 2 - 4 drops on my forearms twice a day.  I like to tell my female friends that it takes about one cycle to see the results, or if you no longer menstruate, about a month. I would say in about 3 weeks, there was bedroom success!!  LOL!  

Yep - all thanks to this little bottle of awesome!

As for how it works and why, that I am not at liberty to say, but I have a great video's for you to watch by people that say it better than I!   Learn from the man, the myth, the legend, none other than the co-creator himself of this perfect product - Dr. Dan Purser!  Dr. Dan on P+

So, there you have it from this side of life lol!  My hubby is also happy I have found this serum!  

Ladies, if you need help for any hormonal balance, you must grab yours today!  Order P+
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