Good Grief :)

Thank you for you kind words!
Dear Friends:  I want to THANK you for your many expressions of kindness and prayers last month while I joined with my family to honor and care for my Mom in her last month.  Thank you for reading my last email to you and my Facebook posts.  You have no idea how much that means!  

Many of you have lost parents, so I know you can relate.  I lost my Dad 21 years ago, and now Mom.  If you have or have had good relationships with your parents, you can understand the term "good grief" as it relates to this time.  The grief is real. The time we spent with her was good.  Her release from her struggles to breathe - that is good! Her wish the day before she died to "go to her heavenly home" was filled - she's there now!  Those things are GOOD! As was her absolute assurance, and mine, that neither tribulation or distress, death,  height, depth - NOTHING can separate from the Love of God. So good! What all of this  leaves in it's wake is hard though.  When we lose our parents, we miss them. No matter how many years have gone by.  The memories can be painful, but they are good!  

Earlier today, I deleted Mom from my list of e-mail contacts for That was hard. I noticed in her contact card that she had opened and read every single e-mail I sent. I'm so thankful she loved and supported me in this way, that she used oils, and how she would point to her chest or stomach to tell me when she needed them those last few days. I'm thankful that she let me help in that way too. 

I took a few necessary weeks off of both of my jobs, but going back - after the shock of how her life changed, the whirlwind our family went through of moving her, setting up her care, then the unexpected speed of her decline - it takes a lot of of ya! But I"m also thankful for the YL products like EndoFlex and Endogize,  which provide endocrine and adrenal support, our Mineral Essence and our NingXia Red, because wow - I was just leveled and NEEDED them!  I"m taking full advantage of them as I'm getting back into a routine. The routine necessary, and good 🥰


Did Taco Tuesday and the new convention open house sound good to you?  Then you will be happy to note that that has been rescheduled for August 22!    It's an open house from 6 - 8 pTaco Tuesdaym at my home in Lansing.  I'll have the taco meat and shells - you are invited to take your favorite topping or a side dish to share, if you would like.  (Not required!)  Anything from cheese to lettuce to sour cream to guacamole - let's be creative!  You will be able to sample the new products like our new MAKE A SHIFT starter kit,  Elderberry gummies,  our new hand cream and lip balm and new Omega capsues.  You can try the soon to be released NEW type of deep essential oil extractions called "Deep Spectra!.   And, you will learn about why Beta Glucans (in our gummies) are a "thing".  I'll also have some door prizes - woohoo! RVPS's are required, so please use the link below to do that.  


Events are great! Bmake a shiftut, some of you just cannot make it to my home in Lansing. In the digital age, you are still in luck! My upline leaders are doing a Facebook Event over the next few weeks FILLED with oodles of info, and it's all centered around our new MAKE A SHIFT starter bundles!   
There are THREE new bundles to learn about.
(If you want one of the new bundles and you are starting or re-activating and account, be sure to hit me up for a discount code!!)

Do you prefer our other high-discount bundles?  No worries - we STILL have our premium starter bundles, but now it's easier than ever to get started with these lovely simplified ones.  The Facebook event is neat - it's gives you the info in a spaced apart way over a few weeks AND there are prizes! Who doesn't love those?  It's already on-going, but you can pick up at ANY time!  

I know you are anxious to get in on that Facebook event, so be sure to reply to THIS email or hit comment in the blog, and I will send you the Facebook invite.  

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

Happy 4th of July!

Let freedom ring dog
Friends, have a wondDiffuse outsideerful and safe holiday! Let Freedom Ring!  And let "Health Freedom Ring" as well!  Remember, health is still currently a right and a choice in this country, even though it sometimes doesn't feel that way.  Speak up for yourself with grace, but never let others make you feel shame for your choices.

May your time with family and friends be blessed, and hopefully Canadian Wild-Fire smoke free...ugh.  I think we are in for quite the cycle of this for a bit.  Essential oils clean the air just as plants do, so keep those diffusers running! I use mine outside in the summer (with Citronella - every. year). At least you can keep a bit of your personal air space a bit cleaner.

(Speaking of those smoke plumes,  here is a favorite app I use to see where the smoke is now:  Fire Smoke)

This pic above (top) reminds me of my own sweet Pup Riley, who we sadly has to say our goodbyes to in May. She hated the Fourth due to the explosions.  But she loved her oils! She was an "oily dog" from the first day I had oils in my house!  It was storming, and she was naturally drawn to my diffuser which was running Peace and Calming and Lavender. Later on we introduced her to T-Away, which was her fave!  We learned that using oils was much easer and safer for her than the dog  tranquilizers, so we never went back to them. Keep the fur babies safe 🥰. Some of them have such a hard time, but you can help them be calm even if you leave the house to enjoy the festivies.


Save the date!  Our gathering this month is Tuesday July 25! (last e-mail said June....ugh).

Enjoy yummy food, essential oil tips, and a sneak peak at the new CONVENTION items!  

Registration for this one is required so I can adequately prepare, and there is a fee. Cost: A topping of a side dish!



In case you missed it, you have just two 3 days left to snag 10 EXTRA loyalty points (as in $10!) on the already generous points YL gift back on loyalty orders if you select "Process now" on your July Loyalty order.  This applies to orders of 100pv or more.  YL already gives you 10 points on all 100pv loyalty orders, so this month it's and EXTRA 10.  July 1 - 5 only, 100pv + orders get an extra 20 points total in addition to the points you already earn.

Confused? 🤣 OK, let's break it down.  I already earn 25% back on my loyalty orders.  So, for a 100 pv order, I earn 25 back in points. YL throws in an extra 10 now as they have for a while, so most months, my 100pv ordrs earn me 35 back in points. In July, it's 45!! Remember, points are the same as dollars. In case you are wondering, this is why why LOVE loyalty rewards!  

Our monthly with with purchase this month is new and unique again with another month of beautiful glass item to enhance your oiling!  I can't wait to get this spritzer!!  Have you ever made a room spray?  it's SO easy!  Just at 15 - 30 drops of your essential oil of choice,  1 tsp of vodka or witch hazel and water.  I prefer purified or bottled water, but it's not required.  My favorite oil for this is our Lushious

At 300 pv, we have KidScents MightyVites!  "Children of all ages" can benefit from this, but it will be a great perk for those of us with young children or grandchildren 🤣 It's wonderful knowing that the chewable you give your child is actually more than candy pretending to be a vitamin 😉

Tune in next week for more ideas!

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

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