At long last! Introducing the NEW Young Living SAVVY MINERALS MAKEUP Premium Starter kits!!

At long last!  Introducing the NEW Young Living SAVVY MINERALS MAKEUP Premium Starter kits!!

They're here - the makeup starter kits!

Now you can join Young Living with a wholesale membership with the makeup starter kit!

This premium starter kit joins the starter kit family as one of the ways to obtain a free wholesale membership with Young Living.  The most popular one is the essential oil kit.  You can also join with a Thieves Kit or a Ningxia Red kit, and now with this amazing makeup!  

Have you ever stop to consider what you put on your skin?  It's our largest organ, and it's irreplaceable!  Is your face worth it?  I hope you think it is - it's the only one you get!  It has to last us a lifetime ;)  But not only will you guard that pretty face, no toxins will enter your bloodstream via the skin! Here is what is NOT in our makeup!

Awesome Value!

There are FOUR  different kits to choose from, which I'll profile below.  The retail value of this kit is over $300!!  If you are not a Young Living member already, you'll get the added benefits of being able to purchase ANYTHING  from from the Young Living line of products at the 24% discounted wholesale price.  If you already ARE a YL member, you'll still see a nice savings. All of YL's starter kits are deeply discounted - the deepest discounts the company gives.  The wholesale value of these kits are over $200, and existing members can purchase ONE per account for $150!  

I'm SO excited about this that I am doing a private little extra bonus! Anyone who orders a Young Living Savvy Starter kit in February will be a FREE black canvas makeup bag with the Savvy Minerals logo.  If you are already a member and you order a kit, you'll have to let me know you ordered one!  

OK, without further adieu here are the FOUR options of this kit!!  If you have any questions on the colors, please ask!  I'll be in touch soon with the rest of the specials for February along with my events, which will include an event for my local members where you can come and try all of the colors in these kits except for Dark 4!  

First up, the Cool 2 kit!

Warm 2

Dark 1

Dark 4

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

January news, events and tips!


Lots of news below - read on!  

Hello everyone!  I hope you are all staying warm!  While it seems everyone is getting sick, I hope few of you are!  Remember, you can you oils like Thieves Vitality to keep that immune system strong:

1.  Diffuse it daily
2.  Apply daily to bottoms of feet
3 .  Ingest a few drops a day via a capsule, in honey, or with some hot water mixed with honey and lemon essential oil.
4.  Consider purchasing Immupower (the oil) and ImmuPro the supplement.  Immupower diluted on the feet, ImmuPro at night before bed.  1 a day unless you are exposed.  If you are then 2.  
5.  Ningxia Red daily
6.  Life 9 at night

You may very well still get sick, but you can use your oils to get over it so much faster!  I can attest to this!  I managed to stay well for two  years now, but the last time I succumbed to the winter illness, I was over it in about 10 days!  Here are tips in case this happens to you:

1.  Detox baths:  Dissolve purification and lemon in about a 1 cup of epsom salts and soak
2.  Keep doing the tips above!
3.  If you have Oregano Vitality, take a drop or two in a capsule daily
4.  If you have Tea Tree, use it in your neti pot
5.  Do you have Super C and or ImmuPro?  Take that C during the day and 2 ImmuPro at night
6.  Ningxia Red 2x a day
7.  Consult your reference guide for more!  

The Specials

Super timley specials!!  Read below to see why these are all amazing!!  By the way - last time I was sick, it was all in my chest. My LIFE SAVER was Copaiba!


I've been a little busy - so sorry this is a bit late!  However, I always have my events on my  "Events" tab which can be found at here!) Just bypass the part about the mailing list - you are already on it!  

At the top of the page, there are some pull town menu tabs.  Select "Learn" and great options appear, including events!

iTovi Scan Day:  January 24, appointment only
Into to Oils Class:  January 31, 7:00 Monthly Class
Lucy Libido:  February 8.  Reservations preferred
Make and Take with intro class:  February 25 - reservations required!  


I love all of the products above!  My newest obsession is THE MAKEUP!!   Starting February 1, we ALL get a chance to buy a Savvy Minerals premium starter kit for $150 , and it's a SUPER deal because what is in it would cost us over $200 even at our member price if we purchased it piece by piece!! Stay tuned for the details!!!  


Our beloved "Angel on your shoulder" - the fabulous blend Gary Young created to help guard us from falling prey to all the negativity surrounding us and also in our own lives - is back!!  Are you somebody that can get down easily by life or by others?  This amazing oil is one powerful emotional oil!  Scent and our limbic system have a lovely relationship, and this oil, available ONLY via Essential Reward orders, is perfect for this!  Don't wait on this as supplies are limited.  If you are not in ER, I can help you place your order!  2 of these is enough to qualify for an ER order, and you can cancel it at any time after that, unless you fall in love with ER like the rest of us :D


Blue Tansy, not available as a single oil for over TWO YEARS, is back!

This amazing product, hard to source but worth the work, is a key ingredient in both Peace and Calming and Valor, not to mention many of YL's fabulous top-notch skin care products.  Lots of uses for this oil!  

It's an investment, to be sure, but a little goes a long way!  And, it's blue - so it's super fun to use in a home made bath salt or room freshener! You can get this in a quick order or and ER.

While these photo's don't show the emotional uses, believe me, it's wonderful for that too!


My "workout" has consisted of moving and cleaning at our investment property in Florida lol!  And also back home here - due to the whole house painting etc.  I really through myself into it this time, and boy am I SORE some days!  I really need to get stronger, it's clear!  Oola Fitness is going in my next ER!  The work I do now is fun, but exercise, not so much lol!  

Enjoy the rest of January!!  I appreciate you all <3
Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

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