Introducing our Online Essential Oil Class Group! Plus, a give-a-way once 200 people join!

Looking for an Online Class on Oils?

Love Oily Gifts? 

Hello everyone!  As you probably guess by my choice of my business name, Help Me Oil, My passion is helping people how to safely choose and use Essential Oils!!

The best way to learn is with a personal mentor, via classes of some sort or getting to know them personally so that you can ask questions.   In the past I would offer Online Facebook "Events" for classes on certain days and times.  Recently, a few of use thought we would try a different approach!  A Facebook group, public and open to all, devoted ONLY to classes.  No other announcements of any kind, no "millions of notifications" with all kinds of things you just cannot keep up with, JUST classes!!  And, instead of classes doing their "disappearing" act where you can't find it, the info in this group will just stay there!!  Sound good? (Note:  I still do in-home events.  This group is for online events)

If this is of interest to you, read on!

My team is planning on offering our FIRST class in this group on March 14 at 9 pm CST.  The way it will work is that at 9 pm CST on that date, we'll have a short video and then 10 - 12 posts that will occur during that hour. You'll get notifications only during the class.  Interact with your questions or message us privately with your questions.  That's it!   The first class is an "Intro - 101" class. We'll run that one often as we hope more and more people join our group!  For participating in the 101 class, one lucky person will get a gift!

Ready to start?  

OK, Wednesday, March 14, 9 pm CST!  But you need to add yourself to THIS GROUP HERE!

Again, this group is open to all!  As long as everyone plays nicely together, lol, it will stay that way, so Join!

As a little incentive, once we hit 200 members, I'll select ONE member to win this FABULOUS oil kit valued at over $65 retail!  

I hope you love this class group - we are SO excited!  We have LOTS of classes planned! And we PROMISE to just keep these classes.  No announcements, no daily little posts and hints because we value your time.  (Plus, we do have learning groups just fo that purpose for our Young Living members).  

Questions?  Ask away!!  Ready?  Join  Essential Oil Online Classes
 (We may need a snazzier name lol - which may be our next prize!)
Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

Whats new for March?

Whats new for March?


Hello, and welcome to March!  Roars in like a Lion, out like a lamb and this year was no exception.  It's a month where we change the time (Spring forward), hustle to get our taxes in, watch (or suffer through) basketball, and hope our warm days are not so rare!

One year ago this month, I hit the rank of SILVER in Young Living, and I'm so thankful, even now!  So it's also a special month for me, and I am celebrating with some give-aways!  Most will be announced on Facebook, so you may want to make sure you are checking my member page for that!  If you want me to email them to you, please REQUEST that as I don't wish to bog down everyone's emails - nobody's got time for that!!

So far, I've announced that if you set up PV assist, you get free labels!  If you refer a friend, you AND the friend get a 15 ml bottle of Lime! More will come - stay tuned!


My Events in March are all on my EVENTS tab at HelpMeOil.  Just click on "Learn" and from the drop down menu, you'll see "Upcoming Events"!  
March 15:  Monthly Intro Class
March 20:  iTovi Scan day
March 20:  Snack, Share and Scan night
March 29:  Make and Take 9  (Last one until fall!)


The March specials are awesome - FREE Thieves Cleaner -woohoo!!

Last week you also received an email from me about the NEW Starter kit with the Dessert Mist Diffuser!!  I have ONE MORE LEFT of the old oil kit and the FREE tax and shipping offer if you want to help me flip my flip kits - contact me if you wish to be that lucky person!!


Here are so tips and tricks for the oils on special, the "Oil of the Month" and other fun things :D

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

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