Class is THIS Thursday, September 15, and it's filling up! You'll learn how to make Elderberry Syrup, and why, and also have two DIY options for winter wellness. You don't wanna miss it! It's the only Elderberry event this year. RSVP's required. We begin at 6:30 sharp so please be on time as this is not an open house event.

‘Best, easiest and most transformative challenge I have done. Thank you!’ -Lymph Challenge Participant
That participant wasn't me, but I felt exactly the same way, and I miss being inspired to do the easy steps each day for better Lymphatic drainage and health. My knee is holding some extra "junk" lately, and the docs agree - that Lymph glands need to be encouraged to get that to drain. So - I've already started! I want to personally invite you to join me October 1-14 for a 14 day Lymphatic Detox Challenge!

Lymphatic Detox What??
The Lymph system is the ‘River of Health’ in our bodies

Strong lymph flow = healthier body
Slow lymph flow = greater risk for many undesirable symptoms
Do you have any of the following?
• Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
• Brain fog
• Digestive issues
• Parasites
• Sadness
• Sinus issues
• Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
• Enlarged lymph nodes
• Chronic fatigue
• Feeling sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning
• Unexplained injuries
• Excess weight
• Cold hands and feet
• Constipation
• Worsened seasonal issues
• Food sensitivities
• Increased colds and flu
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, your lymphatic system may need a tune up!
How to Join the Challenge
*REPLY to this with "Add me to the Lymph Challenge!" Why? Because I'll send you info via email about products outside of Young Living to make sure that you have as well as what I found to be the easiest to understand and most informative video's on dry brushing and easy lymph exercises
*Purchase your products. Here is the list! If you already have a Young Living Account, you can just save this into YOUR account - easy peasy! **. Purchase Lymph Challenge Products
Note: if you are strictly avoiding gluten, just order NingXia Greens instead of MultiGreens.
*Once you have purchased your products, CONTACT ME to be added to the Lymph Challenge Facebook group (unless you are already in it from the Spring!). There, you will get daily education on the Lymphatic System and it's importance as well as encouragements!
No products? No problem! Do you want to just follow along but not use the products?That's ok too! Just contact me and I'll get you in.
I am so excited you are going to be joining us for this round of Love your Lymph — I promise you won’t regret it!
Like getting all of these ideas? Don't miss a single post! Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)