October Young Living Specials, Recipes, Events and Tips!

October Young Living Specials, Recipes, Events and Tips!


 Happy October! 

Hi friends!  So, how did we all like that giant Facebook and Instagram "blackout" yesterday??

If you barely noticed - that is awesome!  I tend to use those more and more for sharing natural wellness tips and essential oils ideas, some spiritual inspirations, and a bit of my personal research on the "things of today", but that day of no access to those channels showed me once again how important it is that I rely on them less and less! It was really a lovely day not even being tempted to scroll (time waste hee hee).  I know we all like it for quick info and announcements, but for the work I do, which is to teach you in a way that is time efficient for you but organized, I need a better way, because searching is getting kind of difficult, especially on FB.  Annnnd, I need a platform that won't get mad at me for my opinions OR, more importantly, censor medical and scientific fact on natural wellness.  Perhaps that sounds like I'm being a "conspiracy theorist", but I assure you, it's truth. We have been told my these platforms in their own words that they will pick and chose what the deem best and can remove my content at any time.  In fact, they often do.  It's a bit frustrating as the censor medical and scientific studies, but it's ok - it's their platform. I never claim to be a medical professional, and I don't diagnose or treat. But, I know stuff. LOTS of stuff regarding our body systems and how to use plant-based goodness to their benefits.  

I've tried a few things these last few years, but everyone sure loves FB and IG, so I'll still utilize them as well!  (I LOVE Telegram too!).  But I'm super excited to share with you that for the next 6 weeks, I'll be working on a complete overhaul of my web page, HelpMeOil.com!  I can't wait to share it soon, and I hope it not only benefits you and makes your searches easy and less of a "Facebook Time suck", but also will help you share this easily with your loved ones.  


We have officially entered the fall season and that means pumpkins, gorgeous leaves, apples, festivals, specialty desserts, and more! Get your diffusers in the spirit and break out the Clove, Thieves, Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, and maybe even your Christmas Spirit - ha! It’s never too early, is it? Here are some festive diffuser recipes to try… (and check out a few more below too!)


Important Announcements

It’s that time of year again - the time where we get to celebrate the launch of the Young Living Holiday Catalog! Sometimes we see new products, exclusive bundles, or YL-branded items specific to that year’s launch. Mark your calendar, spread the word, and keep an ear out for more info! With our new website, we anticipate a great day!!  **

**I understand that with our new web site, there have been a bit of a learning curve. And, like most companies, out of stocks and shipping issues that are out of control and can sometimes cause order issues.  Lately, our hold times are very long.  I don't want you to spend all day online or on the phone if you need to call Young Living!  I'm happy to call my leadership line on your behalf, so please don't hesitate to reach out for help!

Upcoming Events & Classes

The annual Winter Harvest at the Highland Flats Tree Farm and Distillery is back! Gather with your team to experience Young Living’s Seed to Seal quality commitment firsthand. From November 15–20, 2021, and January 3–8, 10–15, and 17–22, 2022, you can get your hands dirty taking part in the harvesting and distillation processes that ensure that our oils are the most potent and authentic available. Go here to register: https://web.cvent.com/event/d346fc2a-f6f7-40f6-8314-5e3ffcbf4b0d/summary


Elderberry Syrups Demo:  Thursday October 21 held at my home in Lansing IL at 6:30pm. RSVP REQUIRED

Oils Chat With Gayle + Bracelets!  Thursday October 28 held at my home in Lansing IL at 6:30 pm.  RSVP Required

For local classes, please RSVP by replying to this message or hitting this:CONTACT
Save the date:  Friday November 19 will be our Christmas Make and Take!  Details coming soon!  

Monthly Giveaway

For the last two months, I've had a PRIZE BOX for those that interacted with me on my socials and this month I'm also including via email and blog!  FIVE LUCKY WINNERS will be randomly drawn to select a prize! Have fun, and good luck!

Featured Recipe

Since fall is the season for baked goods, I thought I would share this fun recipe using a few of Young Living’s oils and protein powder! Have you ever tried the protein powder yet? Pure Protein Complete supports your workout routine with a proprietary five-protein blend, Orange premium essential oil, BCAAs, enzymes, and probiotics to support metabolism and ATP production and help build lean muscle. Yes please!


Featured Product

As we navigate this season, it’s best to be prepared with all your immune-supporting supplements. This is a great one to keep on hand! The name says it all - Inner Defense. Folks, I have been taking this EVERY DAY since mid March of 2020!   Check out what makes it such a powerhouse supplement… 

PRO TIP: It is best to take your Inner Defense in the morning or at lunch, with food, and then take your daily probiotic at least 8 hours later.

 Monthly Gifts with Purchase

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit the exclusive 400 PV tier! 


*Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!




Well that's all for now folks!  If you still don't have your oils and are just aching to get these for delicious fall scents and natural ideas, just head HERE!   We'll chat more soon!

~ Gayle ~

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

Endoflex and your Endocrine System - let's chat!

Endoflex and your Endocrine System - let's chat!

Did you ever wake up one day and say "Man, I sure wish I knew more about my Endocrine System!".  No?  So that wasn't how you rolled out of bed today?  🤣. Ya, me neither - BUT, your Endocrine System is rather essential to how key components of your body work, so it can't hurt to learn just a bit more about it.....like what makes that system a "system".  Well, it all starts in the brain.....

"The endocrine system, made up of all the body's different hormones, regulates all biological processes in the body from conception through adulthood and into old age, including the development of the brain and nervous system, the growth and function of the reproductive system, as well as the metabolism and blood sugar levels. The female ovaries, male testes, and pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands are major constituents of the endocrine system". (EPA.gov, What is the Endocrine System)

Sheesh - it's pretty important!  And the key to tie all or those body parts and glands together is your bodies hormones.

Did you know that Young Living has an essential oil created just to serve this?  It's one of THE first oil blends that I purchased after I received my Young Living Starter Kit, and it's one that I will say I noticed immediate benefits from and still do to this day!  I use this one daily, both topically and internally.

This oil comes in both of our labelling forms.  Remember - same oil, different labels per the FDA.


Why this one? I have hypothyroidism, and one of things I sought out with my oils were ways to use them for my health. I looked up some ideas in my reference guide and learned about oils for the endocrine system, like this one.
As soon as I got this one in my hands,  I put it on my thyroid, liver and Kidneys. On my very first day, my urine had a greenish tinge to it, but never again. I have always wondered what the oil cleared out that day lol! But better yet, my energy level almost immediately improved. I went from needing a daily nap to not needing one anymore! And this was before I became a daily 
NingXia Red drinker.

"Endo" (our little nickname for this in the oily world) is for the entire endocrine system, and if you look at that chart above, that's a lot! You can apply it topically to your desired gland (diluted is best) or your feet via the
vitaflex charts, or you can ingest it.

I have learned that applying it "neat" to my thyroid was not a good idea - it's just too sensitive of an area, so I "dilute" this with a good fat carrier oil, such as Young Living's V6 or your favorite good fat oil such as olive or coconut.  I also "dilute" when applying it to the liver and kidneys. (Never use water to "dilute" an essential oil)   Since I've been on and still take daily meds since my pre-oil days, there is this war of the sludge in my liver from this and the topical use of this oil, so even diluted, when applying directly to the liver, it can be sensitive for me.  My best place for application is actually between my big toe and the next one on both feet.


Endoflex is a blend consisting of sesame seed oil, sage, myrtle, spearmint, nutmeg, geranium, and German chamomile. It comes as a Vitality oil and a regular oil so it is safe for aromatic, topical, and internal use.

Sage is good for strengthening the senses and the vital centers of the body. It helps support healthy metabolism, as well as the respiratory, reproductive, and nervous systems. It is also thought to be uplifting and can help aid against mental fatigue.
Myrtle is supportive of the respiratory system, it is a highly effective decongestant. It is known to have antibacterial and antiseptic properties and it has been researched for its effects on glandular imbalances and can help normalize thyroid function. It is used by some people to help with meditation and is also great for your hair and skin.
Spearmint is rich in carvone and d-limonene. It can help boost your metabolic rate, which is helpful for weight loss. It is also used for digestive and respiratory support.
Geranium has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, sedative, and antidepressant properties. It can help stimulate your liver and pancreas to flush out toxins, as well as supporting your circulatory and nervous systems. It also revitalizes body tissues and is great for your skin!
Nutmeg supports your adrenals, which give you your energy. It is used to support your nervous and endocrine system and has been shown to improve prostaglandin balance.
German chamomile is made from the flower and contains chamazulene, a compound studied for its ability to support the body’s natural response to irritation and injury. It also is thought to help clear the mind, which benefits your ability to be patient and feel more at peace.
I apply this twice daily and also take a capsule of 3 or 4 drops every night before bed to assist my thyroid gland and allllll of those other hormones related to my Endocrine System. This stuff both smells and tastes yum -like Spearmint! You will enjoy both the smell AND taste of Endoflex!  

Here is a video training on my Oils Chat with Gayle program that will also help you learn more about Endoflex and Endoflex Vitality 

See that wasn't so bad was it?  You learned just a little more about your body today as well as a very important helper oil!  

To keep on learning, find me your favorite way online!

Thank for spending a little geek time with me ☺️ No go impress a few friends with what you learned 🤣

~ Gayle ~

Like getting all of these ideas?  Don't miss a single post!  Be sure to join my e-mail list today, and let me know others ways I can serve you :)

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