

Elevated Elderberry Demo
September 28

What will you get?

  • A short class + demo on Elderberry Syrup
  • Fun and shared insight from each other
  • Oil Infused Wine (or water)
  • Fellowship!  Bring a friend -bring a snack to share! (the snack part is optional)

Learn a Life Skill!

You will learn a life-hack that you will want to use for the rest of your life, and a skill to pass on to others!  

 Each class participant will be able to make ONE bottle to take home if they chose.  If you attend the class, you will be able to purchase a bottle of the syrup to take home.    The cost for the take home filled bottle is $12, and you will have two bottle styles to pick from.

**FREE ITOVI SCANS!  Bioimpedance testing to gauge which essential oils and supplements will most help put you back into balance. iTOVi scans are normally $5 (or free with a $20 membership) but once or twice a year, I treat you to a FREE night!  

**No outside orders will be taken for syrup - you will need to attend the event to purchase the syrup.  

Date:  Thursday September 28, 2023

Time:  6:30 - 8:00 pm


RSVP REQUIRED:  I will need to have enough supplies.  

COST: Optional snack to share, because we all have more fun when there is food!

I hope to see you there!