Staying Well Naturally (Gayle Reinsma)

Let's Get Colorful!

Seven YUMMY days! 

I am so happy to meet you!



My name is Gayle Reinsma, and my passion in life is to help people navigate through the sometimes overwhelming choices in wellness through nature.  As a health freedom advocate, you will be able to rely on me to help you feel confidence in speaking up for yourself through informed choices, networking, and emotional support.  It's my JOB to teach you, and I love what I do!

10 years ago, when I first started using essential oils, I had no idea what I was doing, and I REALLY had no idea how my life was about to change.  I just wanted to see what this stuff was.  When my starter kit arrived, I will say that it was love at first "sniff!" My body knew immediately that these were powerful, impactful bottles of goodness. But the funny part was it too my dog to show me just much that was so.

That night, I placed Lavender and a blend called Peace and Calming in my beautiful brand new diffuser, and set it on my husband's night stand in order to help him sleep.  It began to storm, and I knew I needed to find and comfort my dog (do you have a fraidy-cat dog when it storms? - then you get it!).  When I located her, I was startled to find her pressed up against the night stand to get as close as she could to the diffuser! I knew right away that I had something very special in my home!  The dog was not her spastic stormy self - she was calm.  Let's just say that after several repeated events like this, she made my entire family believers in the power of essential oils!  Since that time, we have countless other stories like this personally as a family - on OUR health.  

Are you ready to make a life changing step in your health?  I promise you, if you let us help me help you learn how to use these pure plant extracts, your life will change as well.   These oils are special my friend!  There are none others like ours due to our seed to seal guarantee! We are the ONLY essential oil company that will guarantee this to you.  We are the only one who grows them ourselves.  There are hundreds of different "essential oil" on the market today, and many have almost no plant extract in them.  Many are also grown on fields with synthetic chemicals and are cut and extended with other products in order to make them inexpensive. I would never trust those on my or my families skin, would you?   Seed to Seal Guarantee

Ready to learn more right now?  Take a look at our essential oil intro video class, featuring our best selling, deeply discounted starter bundle.  You will love it!!  

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